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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Calculate the date + a number of working days. HOW?
Have you had a look at the NEXT_DAY function which returns the date of
the next <chosen_day> from a gicven date :
select next_day(sysdate, 'MONDAY') from dual;
Gives the next Monday following today's date.
Of course, if today is Monday, you'll get a date back which is NEXT monday and not today.
Might help, might not .....
-----Original Message-----
From: (Michael Murphy)
Posted At: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:07 PM
Posted To: server
Conversation: Calculate the date + a number of working days. HOW?
Subject: Calculate the date + a number of working days. HOW?
I am disgraced by my way of calculating a date + a number of working days (involving a loop and running very slowly). I will post my 'code' if I really have to but don't want to show it at the moment because.
Parts of my code is below. All I want to do is take a date and add a number of working days to it. Working days are days that are not Saturday or Sunday and not in the table holidays. I can find lots of examples calculating the number of working days between two dates but this isn't what I want.
Any ideas on the code for the function "daysplus" I have put below.
Thank you
create table holidays(holiday date);
insert into holidays values ('01-jan-2003');
insert into holidays values ('02-jan-2003');
insert into holidays values ('03-jan-2003');
insert into holidays values ('07-jan-2003');
create function daysplus(startdate in date,daystoadd number) as date
--some stuff in here to add "daystoadd" working days (ie days that
are not Sat
--or Sun or in the table "holidays" to startdate
so that:
select daysplus(to_date('30-dec-2002'),1) from dual;
-- returns 06-jan-2003 --monday
select daysplus(to_date('01-jan-2003'),1) from dual;
-- returns 06-jan-2003 --monday
select daysplus(to_date('02-jan-2003'),1) from dual;
-- returns 06-jan-2003 --monday
. . . etc . .
select daysplus(to_date('07-jan-2003'),1) from dual;
-- returns 08-jan-2003 --wednesday
select daysplus(to_date('08-jan-2003'),1) from dual;
-- returns 09-jan-2003 --thursday
select daysplus(to_date('08-jan-2003'),2) from dual;
-- returns 10-jan-2003 --friday
select daysplus(to_date('08-jan-2003'),3) from dual;
-- returns 13-jan-2003 --monday
Received on Wed Jul 30 2003 - 09:22:27 CDT
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