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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Restoring & recovering in NOARCHIVELOG: Thank you all
On 26 Jul 2003 01:39:02 -0700, (Carlos)
>Now I know It can be done (If I can have online redo log files that
>are not overwritten for a whole day jobs).
One day you'll regret it
>As I said, the cincumstances of the production environment were not in
>my hands, so the kind of advices like 'You shoud do that, changing to
>ARCHIVELOG, and bla, bla, bla...' are all welcome, but completely
>useless (I KNEW that running in ARCHIVELOG is a better way).
One day you'll regret you didn't insist: the day you are laid off becuase things did go wrong and use didn't listen to *useful* advice
>I think this is one of the bad habits of the Group: One explains the
>circumstances and the problem he is facing, and one smart guy answers:
>'Do change these circumstances'. Well, this is not always possible,
>due to many and various reasons that could be so long to explain. (In
>my case: It is heritage. I've recommended some changes, but... ).
Your silly reasons are unimportant and crap. But if you are so 'smart' to ignore relevant and useful advice, to go against advice of Oracle, to go against advice in this group, if you are so smart you 'know better', if you don't want to resist stupid politics, but instead flame the newsgroup, isn't that a bad habit? So, in the end, why ask these questions here at all, if you know what will happen and if you already know not to follow the advice given anyway?
Don't you think 'smart guys' really know better, because they had to recover from a crash without backup?
So what entitles you to flame the newsgroup in this fashion
Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Sat Jul 26 2003 - 04:56:54 CDT
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