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Re: Upgrading from 11.5.1 to 11.5.8

From: Tanel Poder <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 19:13:12 +0300
Message-ID: <3f1d6297$>


Do you mean critical downtime? It depends on size of your database, speed of servers and definitely how well you have planned and tested your upgrades. The lowest-downtime Apps upgrade I've done was less than 36hrs (it was Financials & PA migration from 10.7 to 11.5.7 on 2CPU Sun V880 server with internal storage).

When migrating from 11.5.x to 11.5.x you don't have to run AutoUpgrade phase, which is quite lenghty if you got lot's of data, but you'll have to apply really huge amounts lot of patches in addition to 11.5.8 maintenance pack (not just apps patches, but also Portal, iAS, Workflow, Developer patches). Afaik 11.5.1 web part is running on old WebDB, not Portal.

Btw, how much have you patched your system? Maybe you already have applied some of required patches when solving problems etc.. I maintain a system for example, where the Apsp version is 11.5.4, but most of the real components we use are already patched to 11.5.9 level.

Also, since 11.5.1 is a very fresh release, you'll probably hit a lot of bugs & other problems, especially if the implementors used shortcuts and hacking to make the functionality work (this can be a big problem).

But you do have to run several test upgrade cycles anyway, thus you have measure the downtime during these. Also, upgrading huge ERP software package like Apps isn't like upgrading MS Office in your desktop computer, careful planning and a lot of testing is required.

Note that ver 11.5.9 is already out, you might want to upgrade to that version, it has lot's of neat new features. Also, Oracle Support will probably recommend to latest release as first response to your support requests ;)

Happy upgrading!

"Rusty Robinson" <> wrote in message
> I was just wondering if anyone out here has upgraded from Oracle Apps
> 11.5.1 to 11.5.8 ? If there is how long did it take you ? Did you
> have alot of problems ?
> Thanks !
Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 11:13:12 CDT

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