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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Domain catastrophe?
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On 21 Jul 2003 04:13:16 -0700, (amani) wrote:
>I'm currently having problems trying to decide whether i have forced a
>database into meltdown or there is merely a startling coincidence. I
>wouldn't describe myself as knowledgable in the ways of oracle as i'm
>more a server monkey to be honest.
>I installed a Database on a Windows 2000 Active Directory server
which you shouldn't have done in the first place
>gave it the a .world domain. Despite the fact i now suspect it should
>have been then domain of the server.
There is no necessary connection between Oracle domains and DNS
domains, though ideally they should be the same
The next day, one of "my" Oracle
>8.0i databases bites the dust with connection problems,
Oracle databases don't crash with connection problems
>about package Standard (I've tried catproc.sql, it's still down) and i
>can't tnsping the instance although it's definately running. This
>database is running on a NT server.
>There are still five other databases ranging from 7.3.3 to 8.1.7
>running fine in the .world domain.
7.3.3 isn't supported and uncertified on Win2k
Can anyone tell me from this
>outline of the events if it was in fact me or a strange twist of fate,
>i don't believe in cooincidence.
Nobody can tell as your post doesn't contain ANY error message or
other clues as to what happened
>Also i'm about to cut the domain names of the server and client to see
>if that will work. Might this have further implications? (It's all
>backed up)
It will have 0 (ZERO) impact.
>F.Y.I I've had six databases dumped on me with a few days oracle
>training and i'm struggling as my company refuses to buy an outright
>oracle support contract.
They will regret that soon
Are there any support groups people know of
>that i could join to talk things over?
You'd better hire a consultant to get you out of the mess. I don't think anyone here is willing and prepared to help you resolve it for free in their own spare time.
>I feel better already actually. Cheers for any RE:'s.
Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA
To reply remove -verwijderdit from my e-mail address Received on Mon Jul 21 2003 - 12:57:06 CDT
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