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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Orbitz dumps RAC for better reliability
Noons wrote:
> You the one that should research. You seem to forget you're
> talking with someone who has been in IT for 28 years.
> Where the heck do you think Postgres got its name and origins
> and initial research? Hint: that name started getting used in
> the 80's. Cripes, some people are thick...
I am afraid you are the one that is thick. postgres is a redesign with fresh ideas. Either way.. PostgreSQL 7.3 is a more developed product from what Stonebraker left. Comparing todays PGSQL to Ingres, 25 years ago, is daft.
>>Note: good designs comes often come from academia or research
>>institutions like Bell Labs.
> Who is discussing "good design"? I said the darn thing
> is incapable of doing proper data management. What's
> that got to do with "good design"? It's BASIC PLUMBING,
> for cripes' sake!
Last time I checked.. PGSQL was working well for the last 2 1/2 years
without failure. BASIC PLUMBING must be working. LOL
>>Relational Data Management came from an
>>academic and researcher, E.F. Codd.
> Listen, idiot: I said DATA MANAGEMENT, not Relational Data Management.
> there is no such thing as the later. Can you JUST FOR ONCE make an
> effort to understand what is being said?
If you read the above statement clearly you would have understood that the RDBMS statement was giving an example of enduring designs from research oriented/academic people. Why are you mixing DATA MANAGEMENT with this? You are the one condemning academics. Perhaps you are the IDIOT?
>>Larry and his cohorts simple ripped
>>off the research paper.
> Just like all the IBM mob, Ingres and DEC. What else is new?
Considering the paper came from an IBM researcher, paid by IBM, I can hardly think that they ripped it off.
>>In my opinion, Oracle today is simply an organization of Marketeers and
> Oh dear! And all the competition isn't? Tsk,tsk....
Not to the extent that Oracle is, in my opinion. There is capitalism and there are perverse examples of it. The latter, like Enron, usually wind up falling on their swords. Received on Fri Jul 18 2003 - 11:04:29 CDT
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