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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle newbie
On NT, check your services. Any oracle database will be listed in the
format OracleServiceTest (for a database named test)
If you have any there, you can try login in with the following
usernames & passwords
If you do not have a database, you can use the Database Assistant to
create one for you. If you are able to login to an existing database
with the above passwords, changed them to something else if the
database contains any real/sensitive data. There might be some other
usernames that will need passwords changed as well)
To see your database in Enterprise Manager, after logging in (Standalone mode) then choose from the top navigation buttons NAVIGATION--Add database to tree, then you can try to add it manually by providing the info, or have it found in the tnsnames.ora file. -Roger (db_happy) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hello
> I install Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT and
> I choose Typical in Starter Database.As I understand ORACLE create a
> sample database for me (If that is wrong please inform me).Also the
> installation create some services.Probably my starter database is
> OracleServiceORCL and OracleStartORCL which they running.Also running
> OracleTNSListener80 and OracleWebAssistant.
> Then i try to connect with Oracle Enterprise Manager with username
> internal and password oracle (i found this information in the
> Internet).In the left upper pane none of the choices show me nothing.
> How can i show my database in Oracle Enterprise Manager?
> Can this done via SQL (I am interested more in connection howto no in
> common SQL queries - but a full example it is OK for me)
Received on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 10:00:18 CDT
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