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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Simply viewing data in a database
So if it didn't effect performance, would you leave syntax colouring on?
"Telemachus" <> wrote in message
| I deactivate syntax colouring whenever possible in an IDE.
| black background light green text.
| you can actually see Jdeveloper slow down.
| < was born under a VT52 terminal >
| "Peter" <> wrote in message
| news:be0268$5p4$
| > I agree with you entirely, Golden really only formats your output into a
| > very easy format so that you can work with it however you like. It saves
| an
| > enormous amount of time and increases productivity.
| >
| > You are still required to write all the sql and that includes ordering
| > sql commands. Syntax highlighting is very handy as well. I have copied
| > of Oracle's tables into the syntax highlight window and whenever I type
| them
| > they turn blue which means I have got them correct, handy when you
| if
| > datafile is data_file or not.
| >
| > Imagine being a programmer and not using syntax highlighting, obviously
| it's
| > not as bad as when working with sql.
| >
| > I guess some people get into the habit of using sqlplus and that's where
| > they stay, refusing to acknowledge that there are better tools out
| > Another example is people who refuse to use anything else but vi. Gvim
| gives
| > you syntax highlighting and again increases productivity.
| >
| > If I want to look at the view source from dba_source, then I just double
| > click on the field and there it is. Imagine doing it from sqlplus.
| >
| > If tools make your job easier, why not use them. Think outside the sqare
| > that you are in :)
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > "FC" <> wrote in message
| > news:KIZKa.261914$
| > |
| > | "Stephen_CA" <> wrote in message
| > |
| > | > Hi,
| > | >
| > | > I agree with Sybrand on this one..every couple of months someone
| > | > troops over with a new GUI tool for me to try.Invariably, I find
| > | > myself back using SQL*Plus
| > | > in no time. The problem is, if you never learn SQL and
| > | > perform all your operations by clicking or "dragging and dropping"
| > | > become very product specific. If you switch jobs and they don't use
| > | > that product you find yourself standing there like a deer in
| > | > headlights..
| > | >
| > | > My two cents,
| > | >
| > | > Steve
| > |
| > |
| > | First of all Golden is available since 1997. And it was there when
| > was
| > | no free TOAD, but only the full blown version at 3000$ or so.
| > | Second, you don't drag or drop anything, at most you scroll through
| > records
| > | or export a query result to a file.
| > | Third, you can copy query results to the clipboard, which allows you
| > | easily paste them into another document in a matter of seconds.
| > |
| > | Of course you could do the same by writing a script creating a CSV
| > and
| > | import it into the same document, but I bet it will take more than 2
| > | seconds. Instead of writing "select * from table;", you must write
| "select
| > | col1 || ',' || col2 ... etc, etc", what a clever way of spending your
| > time,
| > | isn'it?
| > | Ok, you come up with a script that takes the name of the table and
| returns
| > a
| > | string containing the select statement, then you copy it to the
| > line
| > | and there you go. And then?
| > | Then a smartass shows up and says:
| > | "hey, this way you never learn how to manually write CSV files!"
| > |
| > | Cheers,
| > | Flavio
| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Received on Thu Jul 03 2003 - 19:18:03 CDT
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