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Re: Is it possible to copy an oracle table into a pl/sql table for lookups?

From: julius <>
Date: 2000/04/26
Message-ID: <3BGN4.19954$>#1/1

The table has 1008 rows and is 60k in size

no index since oracle would do full table scan anyway since it is faster than an index an a small table like that, and our default block read is 16 blocks and this table has only 9 so entire table is read into buffer

>I think how good a solution this is depends on how large the pl/sql
>lookup table is and weather or not the select [for each row] has an
>index available. I do not remember reading exactly how Oracle
>implements pl/sql tables but their maximum size is OS dependent and my
>guess is that they are a form of link list so searches for specific
>values are sequential lookups.
>If all you need is the bill_month from t1 then you might be better off
>to build an index on t1 such that it has the group, first date, and
>bill_month in it. You could then avoid reading the t1 table and pull
>the information straight from the index. You would also probably be
>better off joining the first table, t0, to t1 instead of using a
>coordinated sub-query. If t1's select is limited to retrieving one or
>two columns then the join will be to the index.
>Anyway, this is just an idea for you to consider. If you plan to use
>the pl/sql table approach you may want to verify that your table t1
>will fit into a pl/sql table. It seems to me we hit the limination
>somewhere between 10M and 30M, but that was back in (probably) 7.2 days
>and a different platform.
Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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