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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Tablespace names
Jonathan Gennick napisa³(a) w wiadomoœci:
>Each tablespace name must be unique. If you're logged in as
>SYSTEM, you can query DBA_TABLESPACES for a list of
>tablespace names. Try this:
>select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;
>Each name will be unique. If your script is getting three
>rows back for one tablespace, you probably have an issue
>with your script. It may be returning one row for each free
>extent within that tablespace. Possibly. That's just the
>first thought that comes to my mind.
>Brighten the Corner Where You Are
Hmmm... i think that Oracl'e uses numeric value to identify tablespace. So two tablespace with the same name is acceptable. A trouble is do it. But I think that is possible.
Roblop Received on Mon Apr 17 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT