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Re: Speedup the dml ??

From: feib <>
Date: 2000/04/15
Message-ID: <>

In article <>, says...
> First of all, your update statement would also update the rows of a which do not
> have a pendant in b. c5 would become null there. If this is intention - fine. If
> not you must add something like
> ...
> where (a.c1, a.c2, a.c3, a.c4) in (
> select b.c1, b.c2, b.c3, b.c4
> from b
> )
> to your update statement.
> I checked three things at my NT 4.0, SP 6a, Pentium III 650 MHz, 128 MB:
> a) the performance of your update statement (without my correction): 650 s
> update a
> set c5 = ( select c5
> from b
> where a.c1=b.c1
> and a.c2=b.c2
> and a.c3=b.c3
> and a.c4=b.c4 );
> b) my update statement with correction: 73 s
> SQL> update --+ all_rows
> 2 (
> 3 select
> 4 a.c5
> 5 , b.c5 as new_c5
> 6 from
> 7 testa a
> 8 , testb b
> 9 where 1 = 1
> 10 and a.c1=b.c1
> 11 and a.c2=b.c2
> 12 and a.c3=b.c3
> 13 and a.c4=b.c4
> 14 ) x
> 15 set x.c5 = x.new_c5
> 16 /
> c) your statement with correction: 83 s
> SQL> update --+ all_rows
> 2 testa a
> 3 set c5 = ( select c5
> 4 from testb b
> 5 where a.c1=b.c1
> 6 and a.c2=b.c2
> 7 and a.c3=b.c3


         I rewrite the statement with EXISTS as follows 
         to compare these statements:


  1 update /*+ ALL_ROWS */ tst_cmrln a

  2     set a.mrtotcl = ( select b.mrtotcl
  3                         from tst_lnmr b
  4                        where b.brno = a.brno
  5                          and b.apno = a.apno
  6                          and b.srno = a.srno
  7                          and b.chkdg = a.chkdg )
  8   where (brno,apno,srno,chkdg) in
  9         ( select brno,apno,srno,chkdg
 10*            from tst_lnmr )

59881 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:01:02.78

Execution Plan

   0      UPDATE STATEMENT Optimizer=HINT: ALL_ROWS (Cost=1148 Card=16
          3 Bytes=27547)

   1    0   UPDATE OF 'TST_CMRLN'
   2    1     MERGE JOIN (Cost=1148 Card=163 Bytes=27547)
   3    2       SORT (JOIN) (Cost=471 Card=53019 Bytes=2756988)
   4    3         VIEW (Cost=242 Card=53019 Bytes=2756988)
   5    4           SORT (UNIQUE) (Cost=242 Card=53019 Bytes=2597931)
   6    5             TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TST_LNMR' (Cost=26 Card=
          53019 Bytes=2597931)

   7    2       SORT (JOIN) (Cost=677 Card=61209 Bytes=7161453)
   8    7         TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TST_CMRLN' (Cost=138 Card=61
          209 Bytes=7161453)

   9    0   TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TST_LNMR' (Cost=2 Card=1

  10    9     INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'I_LNMR' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card


         30  recursive calls
      60981  db block gets
      85113  consistent gets
       3273  physical reads
   14705548  redo size
        406  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        914  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          1  sorts (memory)
          3  sorts (disk)
      59881  rows processed


SQL> l
  1 update /*+ ALL_ROWS */ tst_cmrln a

  2         set a.mrtotcl = ( select b.mrtotcl
  3                             from tst_lnmr b
  4                            where b.brno = a.brno
  5                              and b.apno = a.apno
  6                              and b.srno = a.srno
  7                              and b.chkdg = a.chkdg )
  8    where EXISTS ( select 1
  9                     from tst_lnmr b
 10                    where b.brno = a.brno
 11                      and b.apno= a.apno
 12                      and b.srno=a.srno
 13*                     and b.chkdg=a.chkdg)
SQL> / 59881 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:48.10

Execution Plan

   0      UPDATE STATEMENT Optimizer=HINT: ALL_ROWS (Cost=139 Card=307
          9 Bytes=360243)

   1    0   UPDATE OF 'TST_CMRLN'
   2    1     FILTER
   3    2       TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TST_CMRLN' (Cost=139 Card=3079

   4    2       INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'I_LNMR' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Ca
          rd=1 Bytes=49)

   5    0   TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'TST_LNMR' (Cost=2 Card=1

   6    5     INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'I_LNMR' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card

Besides, I write the statement follow you like   

 SQL> l
  1 update --+ ALL_ROWS
  2 ( select a.mrtotcl,b.mrtotcl as new_mrtotcl

  3        from tst_cmrln a,tst_lnmr b
  4       where 1=1 
  5         and a.brno = b.brno
  6         and a.apno = b.apno
  7         and a.srno = b.srno
  8         and a.chkdg = b.chkdg ) x

  9* set x.mrtotcl = x.new_mrtotcl
SQL> /
 set x.mrtotcl = x.new_mrtotcl

ERROR at line 9:
ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
SQL>  Why I got the ORA-01779 ??

Best Regards ,
Agi Chen                  Received on Sat Apr 15 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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