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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Trigger Problem ORA-04091
Did you use the
"before insert or update on <table_name>
referencing old as old and new as new"
Otherwise, I think you can get into the recursive kind of problem. wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a trigger that "should" do the following:
> When a table is inserted or updated, it performs a calculation on
> another column in the same table.
> However, I have not been able to get this to work. Apparently you
> cannot execute a trigger on a table that is in the process of being
> modified by the statement that called the trigger. If this is true,
> then how am I supposed to do this? I guess I can go back through the
> table periodically and run my calculations manually, or maintain a
> separate table with the calculated column. Both of these options are
> less than ideal, however.
> Thanks
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Received on Tue Apr 11 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT