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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: managing two instances on same server
I have a concern right at the point of creating
the new instance from a script, because our
standard creation script alternates between
"internal" and "system" connections.
It hails from the v7 and v8.0 days.
First as "internal" you startup nomount with
the new profile. Then disconnect-reconnect as
internal. Then create database (blablabla) and
Then again connected as "internal" we create
the system rbs, online it, then the rbs tblspace
and the temp one, the rbs segments, and quotas
are given to sys and system on temp.
THEN you finally get to connect as system/manager
to run catdbsyn. Going back to "internal" you run
three sql scripts (standard, dbmsstdx, and catproc.
You then connect as system/manager and run pupbld.sql
Now all of this "internal" stuff has me thinking
'How can we know which instance we are working
with?' Should I put "set instance <newname>"
with all these, and also change to
system/manager@<newname>? Is the instance name
meaningful right after the startup with the new profile,
even though there is no database created or catalogued
Chris O'Connor
In article <86q6nm$mvh$>, wrote:
> I want the maximum independence in taking down one
> instance, modifying its storage etc. without affecting
> the other one.
> If I build the second instance with entirely distinct
> tablespaces and datafiles (including system, temp, rbs,
> redologs) and run the catproc etc. for it, I am still
> not certain how I will be able to connect as system or
> sys to just that instance and manage it without
> affecting the first one.
> Point me to a doc if the answer is complicated.
> Thank you,
> Chris O'Connor
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Sent via
Before you buy.
Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 17:49:38 CST
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