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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> RE: What system privs do I need to do my DBA thing on an SGI Irix box?
You only need that root runs a script at install time and configure
properly your init script to start/shut the database at boot/shutdown time.
Otherwise you only need to be oracle (even not if you're using OEM, but it is good wisdom that the DBA can be Oracle on the machine). Otherwise any dba group user should be enough, the more if you configure SYSOPER SYSDBA password in the oracle password file.
By the way : ask your sysadmin to let the /etc/oratab owned by oracle, this can be also convenient.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hollingsworth
Sent: 21. januar 2000 22:47
Subject: What system privs do I need to do my DBA thing on an SGI Irix
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Hi folks. Thanks for reading this.
I'm new to UNIX and have been fiven the taks of being the DBA for this program. We are using Oracle 8.0.5 Enterprise Edition, and the Oracle Web Application Server on the UNIX box. Everything else I will do from ny NT 4.0 box.
Ok. The question is, what UNIX system privs do I need to do my DBA stuff like start and stop instances, create databases, and add and remove users?
Reason for asking is, here at Boeing, we have a group of System Admins who do NOT like giving out system privs, they want to do anything that requires system privs.
I know you have to have certain system privs to do these tasks on NT, and I assume you need similar privs on a UNIX box.
So, can someone please tell me what privs I need to do my job so I can justify it to the sys admins?
Thanks for the reply,
Richard Hollingsworth
Sent via Before you buy. Received on Thu Jan 27 2000 - 17:23:17 CST
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