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Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone can help me write this query..I am a newbie and
don't really know the intricacies yet...
I have two tables....
TableA (id int, firstname,streetno, streetname,houseno,city)
TableB (id int, firstname,streetno, streetname,houseno,city)
TableA has all "correct" data and TableB may have some spelling mistakes in the firstname. eg. it may have 'Sudan' instead of 'Susan' . Now what I would like to do is, look through TableB and try to match the firstname with the firstname of TableA where everything else matches except the firstname.
So basically
TableA.streetname = TableB.streetname and TableA.streetno = TableB.streetno and TableA.houseno = TableB.houseno and and
..then go about replacing one letter at a time and match it with the rest.
If it matches then basically I have found a match...
Find the length of the firstname and loop through the firstname length no of
In the first round I will replace 'S?dan' and match it with 'S?san'
it does not match so I loop through again and say 'Su?an' and match it with
it matches so i exit the loop and consider it matched.
does it all make sense? thanks a lot in advance.
Sayoni Mookerjee
Snr. Analyst Programmer
MOS Data, North Sydney
(Work) : +61 (02) 9510 1370
(Mobile) :+61 (041) 322 1277
Sent via Before you buy. Received on Sun Jan 23 2000 - 16:19:16 CST
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