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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Result Sets Work With Procedures But Not Functions?
I'm having trouble getting Result Sets returned back from Oracle with
Functions. Procedures are working fine though. Has anyone experienced
this, and know any additional information? Is there something I'm
missing here?
I am currently using Oracle 8.0.5, Oracle ODBC, and MS VB 5.0 SP3.
I've adopted some of Mark Tomlinson's code from Thomas Kyte's web page about result sets ( to show the problem.
If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated.
' 1) Create a form with 1 Text control (Text1) and 1 List Control
(List1) and
' 2 Buttons (btnProcedure, btnFunction).
' 2) Paste in the following code and change the Connection String.
'PL/SQL Code
'CREATE OR REPLACE package reftest as
' cursor c1 is select ename from emp;
' type empCur is ref cursor return c1%ROWTYPE;
' Procedure GetEmpData(en in varchar2,EmpCursor in out empCur);
'CREATE OR REPLACE package body reftest as
' Procedure GetEmpData
'(en in varchar2,EmpCursor in out empCur) is
' open EmpCursor for select ename from emp where ename LIKE en;
' Function FuncEmpData
'(en in varchar2,EmpCursor in out empCur)
' return integer
' is
' open EmpCursor for select ename from emp where ename LIKE en;
' return 1;
Dim cn As New rdoConnection
Dim qd As rdoQuery Dim rs As rdoResultset Dim cl As rdoColumn Private Sub btnFunction_Click() sSQL = "{? = call RefTest.FuncEmpData(?)}" Set qd = cn.CreateQuery("", sSQL) qd.rdoParameters(0).Type = rdTypeINTEGER qd(0).Direction = rdParamReturnValue qd.rdoParameters(1).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR qd(1).Direction = rdParamInputOutput qd(1).Value = Text1.Text 'qd.rdoParameters(1).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR 'Dynamic or Keyset is meaningless here Set rs = qd.OpenResultset(rdOpenStatic) List1.AddItem ("Function Result = " & qd(0).Value) Call Print_It(rs)
Private Sub btnProcedure_Click()
sSQL = "{call RefTest.GetEmpData(?)}"
Set qd = cn.CreateQuery("", sSQL)
qd.rdoParameters(0).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR qd(0).Direction = rdParamInputOutput qd(0).Value = Text1.Text 'qd.rdoParameters(1).Type = rdTypeVARCHAR 'Dynamic or Keyset is meaningless here Set rs = qd.OpenResultset(rdOpenStatic) Call Print_It(rs)
Private Sub Print_It(rs As rdoResultset)
Do Until rs.EOF For Each cl In rs.rdoColumns If IsNull(cl.Value) Then List1.AddItem "(null)" ' Debug.Print " "; cl.Name; "NULL"; Error trap fornull fields Else List1.AddItem cl.Value ' Debug.Print " "; cl.Name; " "; cl.Value; End If Next Debug.Print rs.MoveNext Loop Loop While rs.MoreResults
Private Sub Form_Load()
cn.Connect = "uid=scott; pwd=tiger;DSN=el_Oracle;" 'enable the MS Cursor library cn.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc 'Make the connection cn.EstablishConnection rdNoDriverPromptEnd Sub
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Received on Thu Jan 20 2000 - 21:10:29 CST
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