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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Primary Key vs Query
A copy of this was sent to "Norman Mann" <>
(if that email address didn't require changing)
On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:18:57 -0000, you wrote:
>Maybe a stupid question but I thought I would ask anyway.
>How come a query to find a possible primary key violation takes so much
>longer than
>the primary key constraint takes to inform you that it is violated?
>I have a table t1.
>it has n columns two of which are a and b.
>A query joining t1 with itself takes a very long time as its a very big
>There predicate is basically
>Select tab.a, tab.b
>From from t1 tab, t1 tab1
>where tab.a = tab1a
>and tab.b = tab1.b
>and tab.c != tab.c /*To elimante the same rowid */
>As mentioned this takes a very long time.
because the index on (a,b) does not exist hence this self join will cause a FULL scan of T1 for each row in T1. If t1 has 100 rows -- t1 will be full scanned 101 times.
>But "ALTER TABLE t1 CONSTRAINT t1_pk PRIMARY KEY (a, b)" is nearly
it is creating a unique index and bombs as soon as it finds a bad one. it hits the dup 'fast' and bails out. If it was the last row in the table (last being a relative term here) it would take longer.
>Is there any way to get oracle to return any rowids violating this?
see the EXCEPTIONS into clause of the constraint clause.
for example:
ops$tkyte_at_8i> create table exceptions(row_id rowid,
2 owner varchar2(30), 3 table_name varchar2(30), 4 constraint varchar2(30));
Table created.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> create table t ( x int ); Table created.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> insert into t values ( 1 ); 1 row created.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> /
1 row created.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> alter table t add constraint t_pk primary key(x) exceptions into
alter table t add constraint t_pk primary key(x) exceptions into exceptions
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02437: cannot validate (OPS$TKYTE.T_PK) - primary key violated
ops$tkyte_at_8i> select * from exceptions;
ROW_ID OWNER TABLE_NAME ------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------CONSTRAINT
>Any help appreciated
See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte Oracle Service Industries Reston, VA USA
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Thu Jan 20 2000 - 10:50:54 CST
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