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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: multi-process cooperation and record locking
A copy of this was sent to dontspamme_at_goaway.fu (Steve Shoecraft)
(if that email address didn't require changing)
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:50:42 GMT, you wrote:
> I am writing an application in C which access an Oracle 8.0.5
>database (linux) using ProC (embedded SQL). I am having a problem
>with multiple processes and record locking.
> There are usually 8 instances of the program running at any
>given time. The program uses a cursor to access a table to get a
>piece of data and must be able to lock this record while it is
>processing (no other processes can lock/read the record while the
>process has it locked). Here's what a code snippit looks like:
> EXEC SQL DECLARE unchecked_cursor CURSOR FOR
> SELECT group_id,remote_id,checked
> FROM messages
> WHERE group_id = :group_id AND
> checked = 'N'
> The problem with this statement is that all the other
>processes 'hang' while this process has this record locked. For
>instance, lets say process A executes this SQL statement. Process A
>gets the record and goes about it's business. Process B comes along
>and tries to run this same statement, and hangs.
> The problem is, process A CANNOT update this record before it
>has completed processing. Once done, process A will update the record
>and mark it checked = 'Y'. So, I can't update the record and complete
>the transaction right away, and hence process B hangs waiting for
>process A to complete and release the record lock :-(
> If I set the NOWAIT option, all the other processes will error
>out saying that the resource is busy.
> What I WANT to happen is: process A selects a record (for
>update), and goes about it's business. Processes B selects a
>DIFFERENT record (not waiting for process A to complete), and goes
>about it's business.... Process C, D, E, etc. all do the same.
> How would I go about doing this?
Have you investigated using the Advanced Queues (built exactly for this type of operation) instead of using a table?
Given the way databases work -- this is a sticky problem to solve in general. AQ (messaging software in the database) lets multiple consumers feed off of a single queue in a non-blocking fashion (and multiple producers feed the queue in a non-blocking fashion). It makes it so that each message can be processed at least once and at most once. Instead of people inserting into a table -- they will "enqueue" a message. Your 8 processes will "dequeue" a message, process it and then commit.
> TIA,
>- Steve
See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte Oracle Service Industries Reston, VA USA
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Tue Jan 18 2000 - 08:14:04 CST
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