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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: is LIKE statement limited?
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On Sun, 16 Jan 2000 02:57:03 GMT, you wrote:
>I have a big SELECT statement with many LIKE commands and it works fine
>if I only use 5 LIKE statements). Any more than 5 and it doesn't return
>anything. The SELECT is built dynamically from a web form using Perl and
>DBI/DBD::Oracle. I'm using Oracle 8i.
>SELECT * FROM filearchive WHERE (company LIKE '%%') AND (source LIKE
>'%%') AND (region LIKE '%%') AND (solution LIKE '%%') AND (technology
>LIKE '%%') AND (subject LIKE '%%') AND (summary LIKE '%%') AND (author
>LIKE '%%') AND (filetype LIKE '%%')
>All these fields (except author & filetype) can contain multiple terms
>separated by spaces so this was the only way I can figure out to create
>one SELECT to work for all cases. The web form I have allows users to
>select keywords from lists of categories and return a list of matching
>files. If a category is not chosen, LIKE '%%' is used because it acts
>as a simple placeholder or "don't care" which works great.
>This statement works fine (it has just 5 LIKE calls):
>SELECT * FROM filearchive WHERE (region LIKE '%%') AND (solution LIKE
>'%%') AND (summary LIKE '%%') AND (author LIKE '%%') AND (filetype LIKE
>Is this a limitation of Oracle 8i? Is there a better way to do what I
>need to do?
>Sent via
>Before you buy.
No, it is not a limit. I'll betcha the 6'th column you add in is NULL and that is the cause of the 'missing' data. For example:
ops$tkyte_at_8i> create table emp as select * from scott.emp 2 /
Table created.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> alter table emp add category varchar2(30) 2 /
Table altered.
ops$tkyte_at_8i> select * from emp
ops$tkyte_at_8i> select ename
2 from emp
3 where empno like '%%' and ename like '%%'
4 and job like '%%' and hiredate like '%%' 5 and sal like '%%' and deptno like '%%'6 /
ops$tkyte_at_8i> ops$tkyte_at_8i> ops$tkyte_at_8i> select ename
4 and job like '%%' and hiredate like '%%' 5 and sal like '%%' and deptno like '%%' 6 AND CATEGORY LIKE '%%'
no rows selected
When we query on the null column category -- no rows. If this is the case and you can live with the poor overall performance of a query like this (if your table has more then a small number of rows, this won't perform very well in the long run) you can code:
ops$tkyte_at_8i> select ename
2 from emp
3 where empno like '%%' and ename like '%%'
4 and job like '%%' and hiredate like '%%' 5 and sal like '%%' and deptno like '%%' 6 AND (CATEGORY LIKE '%%' or CATEGORY is NULL)7 /
ops$tkyte_at_8i> select ename
2 from emp
3 where empno like '%%' and ename like '%%'
4 and job like '%%' and hiredate like '%%' 5 and sal like '%%' and deptno like '%%' 6 AND nvl(CATEGORY,'some value category can never have') LIKE '%%'7 /
See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte Oracle Service Industries Reston, VA USA
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Mon Jan 17 2000 - 07:35:25 CST
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