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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Can't Get Oracle to Start During Boot: Sys V
Cory Phillips wrote:
> I installed Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux. Once installation was complete,
> the installer left Oracle running and I was able to log into the
> demo account (scott/tiger) and view some tables.
Here are several built-in accounts:
username password
sys change_on_install (owner of the database. Equivalent to root
on unix)
system manager (default dba account)
internal oracle (internal is being deprecated.)
scott tiger (demo account)
You should change the sys and system password immediately after install. You can do this by logging in as system and issuing the command 'alter user [username] identified by [password]', where [username] is the user and [password] is the new password.
> I didn't know how to shut Oracle down, so I exited SQL Plus and
> shutdown the machine. I don't know if Oracle shut down cleanly.
Well, if you just cycled the power, I can guarentee Oracle did not shut
down properly. If you shut linux down via 'shutdown -r now', Oracle
still did not shut down cleanly.
To shut down the database, run 'svrmgrl' and type 'connect internal' (as
mentioned earlier, 'internal' is being phased out. Instead, you should
place the user in the dba group, and issue the command 'connect / as
sysdba'). After you are logged in, run 'shutdown normal'. This will
bring the database down properly.
> At a later point in time, I tried to set up my machine to start
> Oracle at boot time. Linux uses the System V boot process as
> opposed to BSD style.
> I put the dbora script in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.
> I then created links to the dbora file like so:
> /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K10dbora -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora
> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K10dbora -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora
> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99dbora -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora
> However, it does not start Oracle when I reboot.
In /etc, you will find a file named 'oratab'. It will have a syntax of:
The first part is the instance name, the second is the $ORACLE_HOME, and
the third is one of y/n. 'Y' will start the database upon system boot,
'N' will prevent the database from starting up on system boot.
> I have also tried starting the database by logging into
> the oracle account (group dba) and using the sever manager command
> to start the database.
> SVRMGRL> startup
> But I get an Oracle error message stating insufficient
> privilages.
After issuing the svrmgrl command, you must issue 'connect internal' or 'connect / as sysdba'. This will give you the proper privileges to start up and shut down the database.
> When I first installed Oracle my thoughts were I didn't wanting it
> starting Oracle during boot because I may not use it each time
> and there was no point in it being resident in memory. I just
> thought I would start the server whenever I needed it.
This is probably a good idea. Oracle can be taxing on memory
requirements, and you would notice a performance hit. Oracle can be very
interesting to learn, but, like unix, it tends to have a pretty steep
initial learning curve.
Good luck, and have fun.
Received on Thu Jan 13 2000 - 17:36:19 CST
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