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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Failed to export the dump which was more than 2G
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On Sun, 9 Jan 2000 22:46:13 +0800, you wrote:
>My site is running on 7.3.4 Oracle server and AIX 4.2.1. A 10G enlarge file
>system has been created to store the export dump file and the file system
>can definitely store a file more than 2G. However, the export session got
>failed when the export dump file was very close to 2G. Is this a limitation
>on Oracle export utility or what? The following statment is used to export:
>exp sys/password buffer=409600 file=/big_fs/bigdump.dmp direct=y full=y
lots of tools have a 2 gig limit and need to use special OS calls to handle files > 2gig.
To avoid this, you can export to a named pipe. For example, I use the following script to do my exports. gives me a bunch of 500m compressed files that can be dealt with individually as a result (instead of one big file that almost nothing can touch)....
#!/bin/csh -vx
setenv UID sys/xxxx
setenv FN exp.`date +%j_%Y`.dmp
setenv PIPE /tmp/exp_tmp.dmp
setenv MAXSIZE 500m
setenv EXPORT_WHAT "full=y COMPRESS=n"
echo $FN
cd /nfs/atc-netapp1/expbkup
ls -l
rm expbkup.log export.test exp.*.dmp* $PIPE mknod $PIPE p
date > expbkup.log
( gzip < $PIPE ) | split -b $MAXSIZE - $FN. &
exp userid=$UID buffer=20000000 file=$PIPE $EXPORT_WHAT >>& expbkup.log date >> expbkup.log
date > export.test
cat `echo $FN.* | sort` | gunzip > $PIPE &
imp userid=$UID file=$PIPE show=y full=y >>& export.test
date >> export.test
tail expbkup.log
tail export.test
ls -l rm -f $PIPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
that script does the exp to a named pipe. We compress the data coming in off of the pipe, write that to stdout and pipe that result through split. split creates 500m files out of that.
After the export is over, I test the integrity of the exp using imp with show=y. That shows how to use these files to import with later on.
>Thanks in advance.
See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte Oracle Service Industries Reston, VA USA
Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 08:04:34 CST
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