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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Problems getting orainst to run (Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux 2.0.36)
On Sat, 8 Jan 2000 10:00:57 +0100, "Jaap W. van Dijk" <>
Try :
$ ./orainst /c
>Hi there,
>I've got a question about getting orainst to run, and about the value of
>TERM and ORACLE_TERM (by the way, is there a FAQ somewhere that gives
>answers to the kind of questions I am about to ask?).
>I've got a copy of an Oracle 8.0.5 on Linux installation CD-ROM. After the
>setting up phase I'm now getting at the step where you have to switch to
>directory orainst on the CD and perform (as specified in the installation
>First this wouldn't start ('Permission denied') because all the files on the
>CD had only the read bit set, but I've found out you can fix that by
>specifying mode=0555 in the mount command. When I tried again it responded
>that it couldn't find the file or directory! I could still start it with sh
>When I did the latter, I got the message that there were funny tokens in the
>file. This was the same problem I had with creating file oratab with script
> I solved that problem by copying to /tmp and changing
>all the return/newline-pairs in the file to newline only. Running the
>modified worked fine.
>I could do the same with script orainst, but will it not self run other
>scripts from the CD and run into the same problem? Or should I, for every
>script for which I run into this problem, copy this script to /tmp, remove
>the returns and run I from there? Can I restart orainst, no matter at what
>point it fails?
>This being asked, I've got another question concerning the TERM and
>ORACLE_TERM environment variable.
>After installation of Linux TERM has the value 'linux'. This as not
>acceptable for orainst. Reading the Oracle installation manual, the choice
>seems to be between '368' for Linux in normal mode, and '386x' for running
>under X. Can I change 'linux' without problems into either? What value
>should TERM have, what value ORACLE_TERM? IF I use a value at installation
>time should it be the same value at run time? If I choose '386' now, can
>Oracle only be run in Linux normal mode? If I choose '386x' can Oracle only
>be run under X?
Received on Mon Jan 10 2000 - 07:18:42 CST
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