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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Outer join (My solution based on Sybrand Bakker's response)
I found Sybrand's response most useful. I found that the MINUS clause
I also found that the NOT EXISTS clause useful:
Even though I could not get it to work, the use of selecting from virtual tables was the most intriguing. I didn't know you could do that! Here is how I did it (once again I couldn't get it to work):
I also tried using the UNION clause with no success:
In any case, thanks for the response!!
In article <85007e$6pj$>, wrote:
> Help for an outer join (I think)!
> I'm trying to select from a table the display names of USER_A doesn't
> have but USER_B does have. To get a list of displays that both
> and USER_B has I have the following select statement:
> SELECT cd_name
> FROM cil_displays, cil_user_displays
> cud_cu_id = 'USER_A' AND
> cud_cd_sys_id = cd_sys_id AND
> cd_name IN ( SELECT cd_name FROM
> cil_displays, cil_user_displays
> cud_cu_id = 'USER_B' AND
> cud_cd_sys_id = cd_sys_id )
> When using the above statement I get one cd_name back (which is
> correct).
> Now, to get a list of cd_name's back that USER_B has but not USER_A,
> want to use an outer join like this:
> SELECT cd_name
> FROM cil_displays, cil_user_displays
> cud_cu_id = 'USER_A' AND
> cud_cd_sys_id = cd_sys_id AND
> cd_name (+) IN ( SELECT cd_name FROM
> cil_displays, cil_user_displays
> cud_cu_id = 'USER_B' AND
> cud_cd_sys_id = cd_sys_id )
> Except, that I get "ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a
> subquery".
> Can anyone help me?!
> Greg Lechkun
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Sent via
Before you buy.
Received on Thu Jan 06 2000 - 10:12:08 CST
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