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Re: Importing from UNIX to NT via Tape...

From: Greg Parsons <>
Date: 1998/02/26
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Hi Lee,

        Several questions come to mind considering the tape to check on: (not prioritized)

1) Same backup software (or directly compatible) both write and read?
2) Software compression or hardware compression on write?
3) Tape drive mfger same?  (I've heard that some mfgerer's as recently 
as 2.5 years ago wouldn't guarantee that writting on one ECO rev -their own drives - could be read by another succeeding ECO rev using the same software.? Which gives one pause for DRP's everywhere.) 4) Oracle revisions compatibility? Going from version 8 to 6 may encounter more than a few bumps.

        The other questions I have consider what are you trying to do: 1) Is what is on the tape an export file or a full "backup of an Oracle server"? If NT doesn't recognize the tape, doesn't matter which it is. If the NT system can't import an exported file directly from the tape but, the file itself can be grasped from the tape. Try moving it onto a disk and proceed with the import. If the "backup of an Oracle server" is not an exported file, you need to install Oracle on NT. Same or newer version preferred and then proceed. 2) Is the UNIX box still available? Are they on the same net? If so, may try export the DB on UNIX to a disk and import over the net into your NT box.

So, in short, what's on the tape? what's available? what versions are used?
Hope this helps.... Greg

Lee Bradbury wrote:
> We have a tape containing a backup of an Oracle server, this is 3.5 Gb on a
> DLT tape.
> We now have an NT System and want to import the backup into NT. NT does not
> recognise the Tape, so in what way can we import it.
> I have tried to use the IMP73 command but have had no luck, can someone
> point me in the right direction ?
> Lee
Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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