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Re: Oracle 8.03?SQl Serveur?SQl Anywhere or Serveur (Sybase)?

From: <>
Date: 1998/02/25
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I am in a similar position to you. After evaluating the options we chose SQL Anywhere, to be used on a network of 30 clients. Agreed, it does not have the total range of features of the full Oracle or Sybase products, but it was more than adequate. With 10 clients, I would surmise that Oracle 8, Sybase Adaptive Server, or Microsoft SQL would be overkill, and overly expensive.

Take another look at SQL Anywhere. It has all of the features most applications need, is very stable, and perhaps best of all, it is easy to administer (good if you are the developer, admin, and DBA!). Version 6.0 will be out this year, which will include Java support on the server, and better scaling to the larger platforms if ever needed.

You might also post your question to the SQL Anywhere group on the news server: . I asked similar questions, and got a great amount of feedback, mostly positive.

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:05:15 +0100, Benjamin LETROU <> wrote:

>I have to choose a database to create an client\server application for
>a small network ( up to 10 clients ) on WindowsNT Server.
> On the server, there's a Calcul Engine which will get and put data
>in the database and on each client station there's either a interface
>for data acquisition or a management app.
> The Calcul engine is developped in C/C++ and the interfaces are
>developped in VB5.0 and VC5.0.
> Both client app need to work with the main database. The quantity of
>data won't be more than 1 Go / year and the number of rows on tables can
>reach 500 000 / year.
>The whole system needs to be highly secure.
>Which database will be more appropriate to this kind of problem?
>(for information, I'm the NT administrator, the application developper
>and i'll be the dba !)
>I have a trial version of Oracle 8.03 wich looks very "hard" to
>manage.( It's the first day i use it)
>I have also a trial version of SQLAnywhere 5.0. I've tried it for few
>weeks with VB5.0,optima++ and Delphi3.0. It seems to be quite good but
>maybe not enough professional.
>For SQL Server from Microsoft and Sybase, i only have the data sheets
>and nothing else.
> Thanks
> Benjamin
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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