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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Which Database (MySQL, Oracle, mSQL, Protgress etc.)
Geoff Crawford wrote:
> In article <>, Bjorn Borud <> wrote:
> >the DBA doesn't usually
> >concern himself with designing applications -- he is in charge of the
> >well-being of the database, sometimes lending a hand when databases
> >are being designed
> IMO, here is a really *sad* statement. My software engineering
> background just screams out when I realize that DBA's today
> really don't get involved with app's. It's really sad that there has
> to be a person totally dedicated to a database's "well being".
As a DBA Consultant I wish that more companies involved the DBA's in the development phase. I can't begin to count all the poorly written code that I have had to fix when I am called in to "tune the database" I spend more time tuning the apps. IMHO, the DBA is teh most important person on the development team.
I primarily focus on the physical tuning of the database and have always said "no amount of database tuning can overcome a poor logical design or poorly written code."
> Can't the database take care of itself? All of the clients I
When you work with 50G+ databases, no they won't take care of themselves, maybe the simple 100MB db's will. These large databases tend to have hundreds to thousands of database connections (users). You have to tune them to get very small gains in performance like getting 1 or 2 more transactions per second (when it already at 3000 TPS) No! they won't take care of themselves.
> deal with, including the Fortune 50's I consult to, don't have
> this problem with their Progress systems.
> =================================================================
> Geoff Crawford Phone: (973) 627 - 0307
> Innovative Client Servers FAX: (973) 627 - 0634
> 24 Dogwood Drive Email:
> Denville NJ 07834 Web:
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