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Re: Preferred OS for an Oracle Server?

From: Steve Phelan <>
Date: 1998/02/23
Message-ID: <>#1/1

I wouldn't run it on Novell. Period. Been there. Seen it. Done it. Regretted it. So did the client, even though I'd told them not to go that route in the first place...

For the most scalable/flexible solution, try one of the major UNIX variants: Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.

If you don't have any UNIX skills in-house and would like a decent alternative, try NT4.0 server.

I run a mix of AIX and NT based Oracle servers for my current client. Databases run from less than 10 Gigs to well in excess of 100 Gigs. NT is mainly used for the smaller stuff. Both OS's have performed well with Oracle 7 and 8.

As regards your hardware sizing: Don't accept *any* response you get as being accurate. And I mean that most seriously.

You'll get *basic* sizing info for your OS platform from the Oracle installation guides, but the only way to properly size you system is to look long and hard at it and do some proper calculations - based on it's 'dynamics' - i.e., real-world usage patterns. Get some consultancy on this if you need it (and by the sounds of it you probably will.)

The only 'general' advice I would give is:

Steve Phelan.

Mark Mealman wrote in message <>...
>I'm part of a team that's going to be installing an Oracle 7 database
>into an office that's currently using Novell 4.11.
>We would prefer to install another Novell server that's dedicated just to
>running Oracle, however I've gotten some information from other outside
>sources that has suggested NT 4.0 would be a better platform for our new
>database server.
>This database will probably be the bread and butter for company we're
>installing it for, although it's not a heavy site(70 or so users). Even so,
>we want to make sure this server is a stable as possible.
>Do any of you have server OS opinions based on experience?
>Any hardware suggestions? At the moment we're leaning on purchasing a
>Proliant 2500 or 3000. Would 64 or 128 megs of ram be enough, or should we
>look at putting in 256 megs instead?
>Any thoughts or suggestions(or even pointers to some good papers) would be
>Mark Mealman
>Tago Inc.
Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 00:00:00 CST

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