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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: How can I relate an Oracle Unix process to an oracle connection?
On 18 Feb 1998 08:09:19 GMT, "Dick Westeneng" <> wrote:
>To trace with Oracle connection was started by with UNIX pid I wrote the
>following structure:
>audit connect;
>create table user_proc_pid (
>But running this script gave the problem:
>create or replace trigger user_process_update
> *
>ERROR at line 1:
>ORA-04089: cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS
>$ oerr ora 4089
>04089, 00000, "cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS"
>// *Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger on an object owned by
>// *Action: Do not create triggers on objects owned by SYS.
>This error
>Can anyone help me to create a trigger or something like that to see with
>users connects with pid?
[Quote from one of my previous posts]
The solution is described in "Tales from the Scripts", a collection of
different utility scripts, provided from Oracle tech support, but
officialy unsupported by oracle (use at your own risk). Look at
As you can not create triggers on SYS's tables, create an auditing
table AUD$ in the SYSTEM's schema! Create appropriate trigger on this
table, drop the SYS.AUD$ table if it exists and create the SYS.AUD$
view, pointing to SYSTEM.AUD$ !
[/Quote from one of my previous posts]
You can then create trigger on SYSTEM.AUD$ table!
>Kind regards,
>Dick Westeneng
>BBO Baan Business Optimizations
>Office: +31 3 42 42 73 88
Jurij Modic Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Finance ============================================================The above opinions are mine and do not represent any official standpoints of my employer Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 00:00:00 CST
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