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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 32Bit ODBC driver for Oraclev7.1
Frank Huijbreghs <> schrieb im Beitrag
> Hi folks,
> We are using a Oracle V7. Database on a Novell 3.12 server.
> Under Windows 3.11 we use the Oracle ODBC to retrieve data from
> Oracle database to Microsoft Excel but now we want to/must use Excel97
> Windows95.
> I know that I have to use the 32bit ODBC driver but I don't know which
> version (SQL*Net & ODBC) I sould use.
> I've tried several versions but without success.
> Does somebody know how I can connect Ecxel97 to Oracle V7.1
> Please help me!!
> Many thanks in advance.
> ( Please post a copy of your reply to )
> F. Huijbreghs
> Email:
Document ID: 11118004.61
Product: Oracle7 ODBC driver
Product Version: Generic
Platform: Windows, Windows NT, Windows 95
Information Type: ADVISORY
Impact: HIGH
Abstract: This bulletin lists the versions of ODBC drivers that are available on Windows 3.1, Windows NT and Windows 95. and discusses the SQL*Net and Required Support Files dependency.
Keywords: ODBC; Oracle7;datasource;SQL*Net;RSF; Connection
WIN/NT/95: SUPPORTED ODBC CONFIGURATIONS The ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) interface allows applications to access data in DBMS ( Database management systems) using SQL(structured query language). Oracle ODBC driver is a DLL that implements ODBC function
calls and interacts with a data source.
The flow of control when communicating from an application through ODBC to Oracle database is as shown below.
Application | ODBC driver manager | Oracle7 ODBC Driver | OCI layer | SQL*Net Driver | Network Software ( PCTCP, Novell NetWare, Microsoft LAN Manager, etc,.) | SQL*Net Listener | Oracle7 RDBMS
When a third party application communicates with the Oracle database in a
Client/Server environment, several dynamic link libraries are involved.
ODBC driver is a DLL that implements ODBC function calls. The ODBC driver
communicates with the OCI layer. The DLLs used in the OCI layer are part
Required Support Files. Required Support Files are bundled with SQL*Net.
Each version of the ODBC driver is linked with a specific version of RSF.
Each version of SQL*Net is also dependent on a specific version of RSF.
The matrix below shows the dependency.
ODBC driver| 16/32| Supported | Supported | RSF version | RDBMS version | bit | Platforms | SQL*NET ver| used | version | 16 | Windows | 2.0.X | 7.0.X | 7.0 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 16 | Windows | 2.1.X | 7.1.X | 7.1 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 16 | Windows | 2.2.X | 7.2.X | 7.2 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| 16 | Windows | 2.3.X | 7.3.X | 7.3 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 16 | Windows | 2.3.X | | 7.3 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 16 | Windows | 2.3.X | | 7.3 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| or later | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| 16 | Windows | 2.3.X | | 7.3 | bit | 3.1X | for Windows| or later | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 32 | Windows NT | 2.2.X | 7.2.X | 7.2 | bit | 3.1/3.51 | (32-bit)~~ | | | | and | | | | | Windows95 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 32 | Windows NT | 2.2.X | 7.2.X | 7.2 | bit | 3.1/3.51 | (32-bit)~~ | | | | and | | | | | Windows95 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| 32 | Windows NT | 2.3.X | 7.3.X | 7.3 | bit | 3.1/3.51 | (32-bit)~~ | | | | and | | | | | Windows95 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - | 32 | Windows NT | 2.3.X | 7.3.X | 7.3 | bit | 3.1/3.51 | (32-bit)~~ | | | | and | | | | | Windows95 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| 32 | Windows NT | 2.3.X | | 7.3 | bit | 4.0 and | (32-bit)~~ | or later | | | Windows95 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| 32 | Windows NT | 2.3.X | | 7.3 | bit | 4.0 and | (32-bit)~~ | or later | | | Windows95 | | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~~ : You must use SQL*Net for Windows NT, if you are running your application
on Windows NT. If you are running your application on Windows 95, you must use SQL*Net for Windows 95.
If you are running an ODBC driver not listed in the above matrix, we
recommend that you upgrade your ODBC driver.
SQL*Net Version 1.X
Connecting to Standalone Personal Oracle Database:
ODBC Documentation:
For ODBC API documentation, refer ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide from Microsoft Press. The online version of ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK guide is part of MSVC++ compiler.
Version of Oracle product: How to find ?
Common ODBC Q&A
You can find the RSF version by running ORAINST.EXE, the Oracle installer.
When ORAINST.EXE is run the Software Asset Manager displays the products available to install as well as those products already installed. Search
for the Required Support File and make note of the version.
Q. What other products do I need so that the ODBC driver works?
Note: If you are connecting to a standalone Personal Oracle7 for
MS Windows, you do not need SQL*Net. Personal Oracle7 uses a two task driver - SQL2TT.dll to connect to its standalone database. 32-bit ODBC driver required 32-bit SQL*Net and 16-bit ODBC driver requires 16-bit SQL*Net.
You also need the appropriate version of Required Support Files installed
on your system.
General Suggestions:
In case of error, please write down the entire error message as seen on the monitor(screen). An error message is key in finding the problem.
Where can I get Oracle ODBC drivers?
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