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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Changing Oracle Database Password
Jonathan Trifts wrote at 06-Feb-98 14:40:06
>Listen folks...nobody likes to be spanked in public...especially if the
>ones doing the criticizing turn out not to be correct.
>(Your ideas may be better...but that doesn't necessarily make you
>correct...or the other incorrect)
>This list/newsgroup is supposed to foster a healthy working relationship
>where other developers, analysts, dba's and whatever oracle users happen
>to be out there come together to help each other and make each of our
>lives just a little bit easier...or at least more efficient.
Come on! The postings are ment as suggestions and hints. When the turn out to be wrong, they can easily be ignored. In no case postings are ment as criticism or proof of one's superiority.
>There is no need to post with the "AHA...I got You!...You're Wrong...You
>don't know what you're talking about" tone of voice. This will just
>serve to make people less apt to give help. Again and again we need to
>remind ourselves that the net does not by default give us the right to
>be nasty.
It is not "You are wrong", it is "perhaps you might be wrong, consider this...". (Even if it is not explicitly written in this form. ;-) Nobody is perfect, so there is always a chance that a given hint is wrong and it shold be allowed to correct this. (Of cause, this very correction can be wrong. ;-) But if it is, I *expect* to be corrected!
-- Lothar Armbrüster | Schulstr. 12 | D-65375 Oestrich-Winkel |Received on Fri Feb 06 1998 - 00:00:00 CST
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