Re: cursor syntax question

From: Shakespeare <>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 18:20:53 +0200
Message-ID: <4ac6286a$0$83239$>

Robert Klemme schreef:
> On 10/01/2009 04:25 PM, Mark D Powell wrote:
>> On Oct 1, 9:42 am, kes <> wrote:
>>> I've looked in Oracle PL/SQL 3rd Edition and searched but I
>>> was unable to determine:
>>> CURSOR foo (vbar varchar2) IS
>>> select *
>>> from table_t t
>>> where = vbar;
>>> I get that vBar is a varchar2, but what does it mean exactly? If you
>>> could send me a pointer to any documentation this would be greatly
>>> appreciated. This code was found in Oracle 10.2

>> Alex, while Sybrand gave you a link to data type information posted
>> the same site you were found your cursor reference on I though you
>> might want to also reference the online official Oracle
>> documentation.  Here is the site url:
>> You can find cursors in the PL/SQL manual and data types are defined
>> in both the Concepts and Application Developers Guide - Fundamentals
>> manuals.

> I'd like to add that often no explicit cursor declaration is necessary,
> e.g.
> Kind regards
> robert

That's in cursor-for loops only. And according to some aces cursor-for loops are never necessary as well.

Shakespeare Received on Fri Oct 02 2009 - 11:20:53 CDT

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