Re: get the column_name of the maximum value for a row
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:44:16 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 18, 8:36 am, Mark D Powell <> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 7:44 am, Ninja Li <> wrote:
> > On Sep 18, 12:18 am, "Michel Cadot" <micadot{at}altern{dot}org> wrote:
> > > "Ninja Li" <> a écrit dans le message de news:
> > >
> > > | Hi,
> > > |
> > > | I want to get the column_name of the maximum value of a row. To
> > > | simplify, the table has the following format and values, with
> > > | input_date being unique. The columns evaluated are the "value_"
> > > | columns.
> > > |
> > > | input_date value_1 value_2 value_3 ** maximum
> > > | value ** maximum value_column
> > > | 01-SEP-09 10 15 8
> > > | 15 value_1
> > > | 02-SEP-09 12 5 18
> > > | 18 value_3
> > > | 03-SEP-09 9 12 12
> > > | 12 value_2
> > > | ...........
> > > |
> > > | The desired output is:
> > > | 01-SEP-09 15 value_1
> > > | 02-SEP-09 18 value_3
> > > | 03-SEP-09 12 value_3
> > > | ..........
> > > |
> > > | Is the problem solvable using plain SQL? Or do I need to use PL/
> > > | SQL? The database is Oracle 9i.
> > > |
> > > | Thanks in advance.
> > > |
> > > | Nick
> > > |
> > > |
> > > |
> > > Use DECODE.
> > > What should be the value if 2 or more columns have the highest value?
> > > Regards
> > > Michel
> > Thanks Michel. If two or more column have the highest value, the
> > column name withe lowest value will be picked. For example, value_2
> > column will be selected over value_3.
> > Could you also elaborate on how to use the DECODE?
> > Nick- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> I was going to say use a CASE statement in your SELECT statement but
> decode is basically the same functionality. when colA > colB and colA
> > colC then 'colA '||value_a
> You can find the full syntax of the CASE and DECODE in the SQL Manual.
> Decode with examples
> CASE statement with example
> If you did not need to know the column you could use the GREATEST
> function.
> > set echo on
> > select * from marktest4;
> ---------- ---------- ----------
> 7 8 9
> 9 8 7
> > _at_t19
> > select case when fld1 > fld2 and fld1 > fld3 then 'FLD1 '||fld1
> 2 when fld2 > fld1 and fld2 > fld3 then 'FLD2 '||fld2
> 3 when fld3 > fld1 and fld3 > fld2 then 'FLD3 '||fld3
> 4 else 'Error' end "VALUE"
> 5 from marktest4
> 6 /
> ---------------------------------------------
> FLD3 9
> FLD1 9
> HTH -- Mark D Powell --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
For your example the code isn't 'pretty':
SQL> create table value_test(
2 input_date date primary key, 3 value_1 number, 4 value_2 number, 5 value_3 number
6 );
Table created.
SQL> insert all
2 into value_test
3 values(to_date('01-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 10, 15, 8)
4 into value_test
5 values(to_date('02-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 12, 5, 18)
6 into value_test
7 values(to_date('03-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 9, 12, 12)
8 into value_test
9 values(to_date('04-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 19, 12, 12)
10 into value_test
11 values(to_date('05-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 8, 1, 2)
12 into value_test
13 values(to_date('06-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 9, 12, 4)
14 into value_test
15 values(to_date('07-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 38, 42, 12)
16 into value_test
17 values(to_date('08-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 89, 89, 89)
18 into value_test
19 values(to_date('09-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 9, 17, 22)
20 into value_test
21 values(to_date('10-SEP-09','DD-MON-RR'), 12, 12, 17)
22 select * From dual;
10 rows created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select input_date,
2 case when value_1 < value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then
3 when value_3 < value_2 and value_2 < value_1 then
4 when value_3 < value_1 and value_1 < value_2 then
5 when value_3 < value_2 and value_2 = value_1 then
6 when value_3 = value_2 and value_2 < value_1 then
7 when value_3 > value_1 and value_1 > value_2 then
8 when value_3 = value_2 and value_2 > value_1 then
9 when value_1 > value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then
10 when value_1 = value_2 and value_2 = value_3 then
11 when value_1 = value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then
12 end max_val, 13 case when value_1 < value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then 'value_3' 14 when value_3 < value_2 and value_2 < value_1 then 'value_1' 15 when value_3 < value_1 and value_1 < value_2 then 'value_2' 16 when value_3 < value_2 and value_2 = value_1 then 'value_1' 17 when value_3 = value_2 and value_2 < value_1 then 'value_2' 18 when value_3 > value_1 and value_1 > value_2 then 'value_3' 19 when value_3 = value_2 and value_2 > value_1 then 'value_2' 20 when value_1 > value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then 'value_1' 21 when value_1 = value_2 and value_2 = value_3 then 'value_1' 22 when value_1 = value_2 and value_2 < value_3 then 'value_3' 23 end max_val_col
24 from value_test;
-------------------- ---------- ------- 01-SEP-2009 00:00:00 15 value_2 02-SEP-2009 00:00:00 18 value_3 03-SEP-2009 00:00:00 12 value_2 04-SEP-2009 00:00:00 12 value_2 05-SEP-2009 00:00:00 8 value_1 06-SEP-2009 00:00:00 12 value_2 07-SEP-2009 00:00:00 42 value_2 08-SEP-2009 00:00:00 89 value_1 09-SEP-2009 00:00:00 22 value_3 10-SEP-2009 00:00:00 17 value_3
10 rows selected.
SQL> but it does work.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Fri Sep 18 2009 - 09:44:16 CDT