Re: Dump from Linux/Oracle to AIX/Oracle

From: Mark D Powell <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 06:41:00 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Sep 8, 9:06 am, wrote:
> hi,
> i want to import data with oracle 10g/linux (machine a). then after
> importing the data into oracle i want to create a dump.
> it is possible to import this dump on oracle 10g/aix (machine b)?  are
> there any problems or known difficulties between linux/oracle 10g and
> aix/oracle 10g concerning exporting/importing dumps?
> thanks in advance, marton

If my dump you mean the result of an export (exp or expdp) then since both instances are at 10g then you should have no problem.

It appears from your post that you are using a import to get the data into 10g on machine A so you should be able to use the same source file to get the data into 10g on machine B without having to load machine A and then re-export.

You might also be able to use the transportable tablespace method of moving the data. Look at v$transportable_platform to see if transport between the two environments is supported (10g+).

HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Mon Sep 08 2008 - 08:41:00 CDT

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