Re: 9i: Check- constraint Upper(Column)

From: Andreas Mosmann <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:33:44 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Maxim Demenko schrieb am 02.04.2008 in <>:

> Just to comment a little bit - it is of course not an oracle bug, as
> Shakespeare already shown, the brackets are *not* optional. The whole
> syntax diagram for table index clause looks like
> [ schema. ]table [ t_alias ]
> (index_expr [ ASC | DESC ]
> [, index_expr [ ASC | DESC ] ]...)
> [ index_properties ]
> ( can be looked up
> ),
> so , what OP has done ( as in example above) - created function based
> index on (upper(trim(CLOGINNAME))) for table MySchema.MyTable with an
> *alias* trim, on this way the outer trim function will not do what OP
> expected.

Interesting. But where or how can I use this *alias* "trim"? It is not to be seen anywhere. So it sounds to me as *alias* is a nice word for a bug.
An error "missing brackets" would IMHO be more helpful.

> Best regards

Thank you for your explaination
> Maxim

Andreas Mosmann

wenn email, dann AndreasMosmann <bei> web <punkt> de
Received on Thu Apr 03 2008 - 02:33:44 CDT

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