Re: Oracle hexadecimal query

From: <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 07:27:54 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Mar 6, 7:25 am, wrote:
> On 6 Mar., 14:08, "" <> wrote:
> > On Mar 6, 5:26 am, wrote:
> > > On 6 Mar., 12:23, wrote:
> > > > A quick and simple question.
> > > > If I have a query like:
> > > > SELECT * FROM table NUM = 31
> > > > Now for reasons irelevant to my question the number provided is
> > > > hexadecimal. I could ofcourse in the program convert this to a number
> > > > but is there a syntax in oracle to use similar to the sql server:
> > > > SELECT * FROM table NUM = 0x1F
> > > > How do I write this in oracle?
> > > > I know I can do a to_num('1F','XX') or something like that but is
> > > > there a way to just write a hexadecimal number directly?
> > > > Regards Hans Milling...
> > > I ofcourse forgot a WHERE...
> > > SELECT * FROM table WHERE num = 0x1F
> > > Also the column is of type int/number or something like that, not a
> > > raw.
> > > Hans...- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Without the Oracle release to at least four numbers, the DDL to create
> > the table and some sample data to illustrate your point it's
> > difficult, if not impossible, to provide you an answer.
> > Provide the requested information.
> > David Fitzjarrell- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -
> > - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -
> It's oracle 10g, anyway why do you need DDL and sample data to answer
> this question?
> If you have a table with numbers (integer) and you want to select all
> rows where the number is 31. Can you write 31 as 1F hexadecimal number
> in the query or does oracle only support the use of integer/numbers? I
> would guess if Oracle did support this it would have from the first
> version and it would not be so hard to give an answer or find the
> answer on google.
> Hans...- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Your where clause needs to reflect the actual data in the column, and if the column is declared as a NUMBER then you cannot use a hexadecimal representation of that number without first converting that table data to hexadecimal.

What is the purpose of this exercise?

David Fitzjarrell Received on Thu Mar 06 2008 - 09:27:54 CST

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