looking for blocking sql statement(s)

From: Andreas Mosmann <mosmann_at_expires-29-02-2008.news-group.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 13:15:05 +0100
Message-ID: <1202818505.71@user.newsoffice.de>

Hi ng,

we got a software that often causes any locks/deadlocks. We look for the reason for this and I found V$LOCK and V$SQL. The problem is, that I can find out SQL of the waiting sessions, but I can not find out the SQL statement(s) that caused the problem. Do you have any idea?

Is it f.e. possible to log all sql statements used at the database (except of course the logging statement)?

Hope anyone can help

Andreas Mosmann

wenn email, dann AndreasMosmann <bei> web <punkt> de
Received on Tue Feb 12 2008 - 06:15:05 CST

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