Re: ORA-12514 with 10g Install (LONG...)
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:56:34 +0100
Message-ID: <7487f$47978de2$524b5c40$>
Scout wrote:
>> Right, and is this also the oracle_home of the sqlplus session you start? >> Start it from C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\bin
> Yes it is. I tried it from this location and I got the same result as
> my earlier post:
> C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\BIN>set oracle_sid=orcl
> C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db\BIN>sqlplus / as sysdba
> SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 23 13:16:03 2008
> Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
> ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
> Enter user-name:
That usually is a tell-tale sign of Windows services not started.
You should be able to start the service either from the services panel (My Computer->Right Mouse, Manage, iirc, or via Control Panel). Start OracleServiceORCL (capitalization is mine. Even from a DOS-box: net start OracleServiceORCL should either report the service is already started, or start it.
I think you should not use the listener at all (and for local sessions you do not need the listener); just set the correct environment (set ORACLE_SID=ORCL, %ORACLE_HOME%/bin is in your path, %ORACLE_HOME% is set, etc), and you're done.
I think all problems are from the fact you sometimes are
logged on to a domain, and when you are, you are not a local administrator.
When you logon to your computer (using your computer's name
for a "domain"), you are local admin.
That, or vice versa.
You should be able to logon to your default domain, even when
you are not connected to it - Windows uses a cache mechanism
that still allows you to login, even though your credentials
cannot be verified.
Just give it a try, and let us know when things do work.
I'd be happy if you got an ORA-01031, ORA-01034 or 1107. Again - do not worry about the listener - local access does not need one! It just needs a correct environment!
BTW how did you create an instance (the ORCL thing)?!?
-- Regards, Frank van Bortel Top-posting in UseNet newsgroups is one way to shut me upReceived on Wed Jan 23 2008 - 12:56:34 CST