Re: recursive formula help please!

From: Maxim Demenko <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 00:40:22 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Totti schrieb:
> hi all, i have a sales table that i want to get the balance for some
> specific condition products,
> i am getting the wrong balance since i lack the knowledge of how to do
> a recursive formula, you may know that the balance of FEB for instance
> depends on JAN so on and so forth so my best attempt to solve the
> problem was the following, but it is still wrong, can anybody please
> help me correct it?
> select TO_CHAR(purinv_1.Inv_Date,'mm') || ' - ' ||
> TO_CHAR(purinv_1.Inv_Date,'yy') as "MONTH",
> sum(purch_1.qty*purch_1.unit_price) "Total Purchases",
> sum(sales_1.qty*prod_1.unit_price) "Total Sales",
> (sum(purch_1.qty*purch_1.unit_price))-
> (sum(sales_1.qty*prod_1.unit_price))as "Balance"
> from purch_1, sales_1, prod_1, salinv_1,purinv_1
> where prod_1.code=sales_1.prod_code
> and salinv_1.code = sales_1.inv_code
> and salinv_1.cust_code='Cu-30.1'
> group by TO_CHAR(purinv_1.Inv_Date,'mm'),
> TO_CHAR(purinv_1.Inv_Date,'yy')
> order by TO_CHAR(purinv_1.Inv_Date,'yy')
> this makes only a monthly balance but this is not what i want, i want
> to tie it to the present balance, or to the sum of previous balances;
> Thanks in advance for any help;

select to_char(trunc(purinv_1.inv_date, 'mm'),'mm"-"yy') as "MONTH",

        sum(purch_1.qty * purch_1.unit_price) "Total Purchases",
        sum(sales_1.qty * prod_1.unit_price) "Total Sales",
        (sum(purch_1.qty * purch_1.unit_price)) - sum(sales_1.qty * 
prod_1.unit_price)) as "Balance",
        sum((sum(purch_1.qty * purch_1.unit_price)) - sum(sales_1.qty * 
        over(order by trunc(purinv_1.inv_date, 'mm')) as "Cumulated Balance"
   from purch_1, sales_1, prod_1, salinv_1, purinv_1   where prod_1.code = sales_1.prod_code
    and salinv_1.code = sales_1.inv_code     and salinv_1.cust_code = 'Cu-30.1'
  group by trunc(purinv_1.inv_date, 'mm')   order by trunc(purinv_1.inv_date, 'mm')

Best regards

Maxim Received on Sat Jan 12 2008 - 17:40:22 CST

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