Re: how can i put multiple statmwnts in sum(case...

From: DA Morgan <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:45:14 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Totti wrote:
> Thank you Mr. D.A. Morgan
> i am sorry, i didnt make my self clear, it was my fault , the way i
> wrote the procedure; i meant to say :
> i.e.
> if ('base' and 'east') --> 1.5%,
> if ('base' and 'west') --> 2.2%,
> if ('base' and 'north')--> 0.95% .....
> else 0 end.
> and so on so forth,
> than add % s under 'base' to get the final amount paid for carrying
> it, since the fee is a percentage of the sales.
> the reason i want to use case is because i thought it might do my job
> since i wanted to do the math of all these percentages and i thought
> that sum of case would be a good approach.

This is even less clear.

Do you mean:

IF (base = 0.015 AND east = 0.015)

or do you mean:

IF (base+east) = 0.015?

The symbolic logic of "-->" escapes me.

You seem to be having a very difficult time with basic Boolean logic. If you can achieve clarity you will likely find it easy to code.

Daniel A. Morgan
Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
University of Washington (replace x with u to respond)
Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
Received on Sun Jan 06 2008 - 11:45:14 CST

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