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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Oracle recent version improves bind variable performance?
In another thread I was reporting how a query I do with bind variables
performs worse than an equivalent query done via strings.. One person
responded that a more recent version of Oracle improves upon this. I
started a new post because I wanted to ask about that... I definitely
want to know about this if it is true so I can try the new version.
I'm running Oracle on Windows platform.
Is there a newer version or patch that makes Oracle perform queries better, that use bind variables?
This was the previous post:
: We have a PowerBuilder application where we started noticing the
: performance of a query is worse if you do it with bind variables
: if you do the same query as a string.
Bind variables minimize the number of times a query must be parsed.
is likely to speed up your application if the same queries are used
multiple times.
Hard coded values allow the optimizer to select the best possible path
select the data. That is likely to speed up your application if a
is only run once, or if the time to parse the query is small compared
the time it takes to run the query, especially if the values are
compared to most of the data.
Apparently more recent versions of Oracle (version?) will examine the
values of bind variables before running a query as a sanity check that
existing parsed query will still be sensible for those values. I know
the exact details.
Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 11:13:00 CDT
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