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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: query to combine a column
On Jul 14, 2:44 am, "Tim B" <> wrote:
> I have a query that returns something like this, which is in a pl/sql
> function:
> id description col3
> ---------------------------------
> 123 dingo stuff123
> 357 anteater stuff357
> 357 aardvark stuff357
> 357 wombat stuff357
> 677 kangaroo stuff677
> What I want is a query that will transform the results of the above query
> like this:
> id description col3
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> 123 dingo stuff123
> 357 anteater$$aardvark$$wombat stuff357
> 677 kangaroo stuff677
> I want to remove the duplicate case_nums and combine their descriptions. The
> '$$' would be for use as a marker for splitting up the string inJava.
> Any suggestions on how to do this, if it can be done?
> Alternatively - This query is used to populate a cursor, which is returned
> by the function.
> Is there a way to make the transformation in pl/sql and still return a
> cursor from the function?
You can also create custom aggregate function
create or replace type concat_str as object
str_ varchar2(4000),
static function odciaggregateinitialize(ctx in out concat_str) return number,
member function odciaggregateiterate
self in out concat_str
,value in varchar2
) return number,
member function odciaggregateterminate
self in concat_str
,returnvalue out varchar2
,flags in number
) return number,
member function odciaggregatemerge
self in out concat_str
,ctx in concat_str
) return number
show errors
create or replace type body concat_str is
static function odciaggregateinitialize(ctx in out concat_str)
return number is
ctx := concat_str(null);
return odciconst.success;
member function odciaggregateiterate
self in out concat_str
,value in varchar2
) return number is
if self.str_ is null
self.str_ := value;
self.str_ := self.str_ || ';' || value;
end if;
return odciconst.success;
member function odciaggregateterminate
self in concat_str
,returnvalue out varchar2
,flags in number
) return number is
returnvalue := self.str_;
return odciconst.success;
member function odciaggregatemerge
self in out concat_str
,ctx in concat_str
) return number is
if ctx.str_ is null
self.str_ := self.str_ || ';' || ctx.str_;
end if;
return odciconst.success;
show errors
create or replace function fce_concat_str(input varchar2) return
aggregate using concat_str;
show errors
column a format a10
column b format 999
column a_concatenated format a20
-- prompt concatenated - aggregate select b ,fce_concat_str(a) a_concatenated from (select 'a' || level a ,mod(level, 2) b from dual connect by level <= 5) group by b; -- prompt concatenated - analytic - no sort select a ,b ,fce_concat_str(a) over(partition by b) a_concatenated from (select 'a' || level a ,mod(level, 2) b from dual connect by level <= 5); -- prompt concatenated - analytic - sort prompt (default = rows between unbounded preceding and current row) select a ,b ,fce_concat_str(a) over(partition by b order by a) a_concatenated from (select 'a' || level a ,mod(level, 2) b from dual connect by level <= 5); -- prompt concatenated - analytic - sort prompt (rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) select a ,b ,fce_concat_str(a) over(partition by b order by a rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) a_concatenated from (select 'a' || level a ,mod(level, 2) b from dual connect by level <= 5); S.Received on Thu Jul 19 2007 - 08:56:50 CDT
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