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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Weird problem: Update statement updating records it should not
There are quite a few tables involved and views also so all the DDLs
would be a lot of information.
The update is below. Please note the two inner selects are identical (bar the fields returned and the last line of the first select which ties the inner records to the records to be updated in "qlimUpdate"). This update should only update records in svc_quote_line_import where matches are found in associated tables and leave all other records alone. This is what it does on 9i.
The error is ORA-01407: cannot update
Please note QUOTE_LINE_IMPORT_ID is being set to 1 in the update. The only way it would be set to null is if the second inner select returns more records than the first inner select.
When I run both selects on their own both return 49 records (they are identical after all). When the update runs the second select seems to "find" about 10 more records that the first select doesn't return. I can't figure out why. I've confirmed it is returning extra records by removing non nullable fields from the update to see what it actually updates. It sets fields in these extra records to null
update svc_quote_line_import qlimUpdate
part_import_source_id) =
Select distinct pm.description, 1, prlp.SERVICELINENUMBER, pm.ITEM_COUNT_NAME_ID, pm.ITEM_COUNT_VALUE, ic.ITEM_CATEGORY_ID, 2
From svc_quote_import qi, svc_distrib_price_region dpr, svc_quote_line_import qlim, svc_item_categories ic,
SVC_SLN_PRODUCT_LINE_GRP_MAP slnpl, partmaster pm, partregionlistprice prlp
where qi.quote_import_id = p_QUOTE_IMPORT_ID and qi.quote_import_id = qlim.quote_import_id and qlim.ordercode = prlp.ORDERCODE and qi.DISTRIBUTORID = dpr.DISTRIBUTORID and dpr.REGION_ID = trim(prlp.region_id) and dpr.CURRENCYID = prlp.CURRENCY and qlim.ordercode = pm.ordercode and prlp.SERVICELINENUMBER = slnpl.SERVICE_LINE_NUMBER (+) and trunc(prlp.expdate) >= trunc(sysdate) and trunc(prlp.msrp_effective_date) <= sysdate and trunc(prlp.msrp_expiration_date) >= sysdate and pm.portfolioid = 0 -- Data and Voice and pm.designationflag = ic.ITEM_CATEGORY_DESC (+) and qlim.is_importable = 0 -- May already be done and qlimUpdate.QUOTE_LINE_IMPORT_ID = qlim.QUOTE_LINE_IMPORT_ID ) where qlimUpdate.QUOTE_LINE_IMPORT_ID in
Select distinct qlim.QUOTE_LINE_IMPORT_ID From svc_quote_import qi, svc_distrib_price_region dpr, svc_quote_line_import qlim, svc_item_categories ic, SVC_SLN_PRODUCT_LINE_GRP_MAP slnpl, partmaster pm, partregionlistprice prlp where qi.quote_import_id = p_QUOTE_IMPORT_ID and qi.quote_import_id = qlim.quote_import_id and qlim.ordercode = prlp.ORDERCODE and qi.DISTRIBUTORID = dpr.DISTRIBUTORID and dpr.REGION_ID = trim(prlp.region_id) and dpr.CURRENCYID = prlp.CURRENCY and qlim.ordercode = pm.ordercode and prlp.SERVICELINENUMBER = slnpl.SERVICE_LINE_NUMBER (+) and trunc(prlp.expdate) >= trunc(sysdate) and trunc(prlp.msrp_effective_date) <= sysdate and trunc(prlp.msrp_expiration_date) >= sysdate and pm.portfolioid = 0 -- Data and Voice and pm.designationflag = ic.ITEM_CATEGORY_DESC (+) and qlim.is_importable = 0 -- May already be done );
What makes it stranger is the behaviour seems to be intermittent, i.e. sometimes for the same data it happily updates 49 records. Very confusing
TIA Received on Tue Jul 10 2007 - 08:41:00 CDT
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