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Re: Inserting Records Into a table

From: Ed Prochak <>
Date: 8 Sep 2006 11:05:09 -0700
Message-ID: <>

B. Williams wrote:
> "Ed Prochak" <> wrote in message
> >[]
> >> I have this book on using PL/SQL and it is one of the exercises on
> >> working
> >> with records. It ask to create the two columns with the month being a
> >> varhcar2 and the date being an integer. The end result is supposed to
> >> list
> >> the two columns with the month under the month column and the date under
> >> the
> >> day column. It also requires using a seperate loop for every month and a
> >> counter to keep track of the total records inserted. I have a good
> >> understanding of counter so I don't need any assistance with that. I
> >> created
> >> a loop for the months, but it is rather long and it doesn't meet the
> >> requirement for the day. I'll post that below. What I need is something
> >> like
> >> this
> >>
> >> January 1
> >> January 2
> >> ...
> >> January 30
> >> January 31
> >>
> >>
> >> This is the code I wrote to just list the months. I haven't added the
> >> insert
> >> portion yet because I am a little confused.
> >>
> >> Declare
> >> Type name_varray is varray(12) of varchar2(20);
> >> varray_name name_varray :=
> >> name_varray(null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);
> >>
> >> begin
> >>
> >> varray_name(1) := 'January';
> >> varray_name(2) := 'February';
> >> varray_name(3) := 'March';
> >> varray_name(4) := 'April';
> >> varray_name(5) := 'May';
> >> varray_name(6) := 'June';
> >> varray_name(7) := 'July';
> >> varray_name(8) := 'August';
> >> varray_name(9) := 'September';
> >> varray_name(10) := 'October';
> >> varray_name(11) := 'November';
> >> varray_name(12) := 'December';
> >>
> >> dbms_output.put_line('Year_Month');
> >>
> >> for i in 1..12 loop
> >>
> >> dbms_output.put_line(varray_name(i));
> >>
> >> end loop;
> >> end;
> >> /
> >
> > You are on the right path. Exactly what confuses you? All you need at
> > this point is another loop to scan thru the days, inserting each pair
> > (month,date). I'll refrain from further hints until your next post. So
> > try the next step and see what you get. Come back if you need more
> > help, or if you solve it. (It is nice when the discuaaion loop can be
> > closed.)
> >
> > Ed
> >
> Ed,
> I can get the loop to isert the months into the table using the following
> code.
> FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
> INSERT INTO yeardates
> (year_month)
> VALUES(varray_name(i));
> I can also get the loop to insert the date using a similiar loop
> FOR j IN 1..31 LOOP
> INSERT INTO yeardates
> (year_day)
> VALUES(varray_date(j));
> My problem is that I can't figure out how to get my output to display the
> (month day) format and even more confusing is that I can't figure out how
> to have January display 31 dates while having February displays only 28 and
> so on.
> I need to make a loop for each month that will display that month along with
> the days of that month.
> Can you assist me with that.

Your confusion at this point leads me to ask: You are very new to programming, aren't you?

No insult intended, just trying to make the situation clear. Have you never programmed nested loops before??

If you haven't, then the question has regressed to one that is not database related and I really want to suggest you step away from the database, and learn basic functional programming first. I want to help, and I hope the nested loops suggestion just strucks you as a DOH! Homer Simpson moment, leading you to complete you task easily.

If not, drop me an email and we can continue this offline.   Ed Received on Fri Sep 08 2006 - 13:05:09 CDT

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