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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Inserting Records Into a table
"B. Williams" <> wrote in message
> "Ed Prochak" <> wrote in message
>> B. Williams wrote:
>>> "DA Morgan" <> wrote in message
>>> > B. Williams wrote:
>>> >> I have created a table with two columns and one of the columns is the
>>> >> month and the other is the date. I want to use a pl/sql program to
>>> >> insert
>>> >> the months and dates into the table using a loop instead of using a
>>> >> bunch
>>> >> of insert statements.Will someone assist me with this? If I can get
>>> >> some
>>> >> help with January, I can figure the rest of the months out.
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks
>>> >
>>> > Why two columns to do one column's work?
>>> >
>>> > FROM dual;
>>> >
>>> > And using PL/SQL to do this is even more backwards.
>>> >
>>> > But assuming this is just a self-education exercise:
>>> >
>>> > CREATE TABLE t (
>>> > datecol DATE);
>>> >
>>> > BEGIN
>>> > FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
>>> > (datecol)
>>> > END LOOP;
>>> > COMMIT;
>>> > END;
>>> > /
>>> >
>>> > SELECT * FROM t;
>>> > --
>>> > Daniel Morgan
>>> > University of Washington
>>> > Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
>>> I have this book on using PL/SQL and it is one of the exercises on
>>> working
>>> with records. It ask to create the two columns with the month being a
>>> varhcar2 and the date being an integer. The end result is supposed to
>>> list
>>> the two columns with the month under the month column and the date under
>>> the
>>> day column. It also requires using a seperate loop for every month and a
>>> counter to keep track of the total records inserted. I have a good
>>> understanding of counter so I don't need any assistance with that. I
>>> created
>>> a loop for the months, but it is rather long and it doesn't meet the
>>> requirement for the day. I'll post that below. What I need is something
>>> like
>>> this
>>> January 1
>>> January 2
>>> ...
>>> January 30
>>> January 31
>>> This is the code I wrote to just list the months. I haven't added the
>>> insert
>>> portion yet because I am a little confused.
>>> Declare
>>> Type name_varray is varray(12) of varchar2(20);
>>> varray_name name_varray :=
>>> name_varray(null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null);
>>> begin
>>> varray_name(1) := 'January';
>>> varray_name(2) := 'February';
>>> varray_name(3) := 'March';
>>> varray_name(4) := 'April';
>>> varray_name(5) := 'May';
>>> varray_name(6) := 'June';
>>> varray_name(7) := 'July';
>>> varray_name(8) := 'August';
>>> varray_name(9) := 'September';
>>> varray_name(10) := 'October';
>>> varray_name(11) := 'November';
>>> varray_name(12) := 'December';
>>> dbms_output.put_line('Year_Month');
>>> for i in 1..12 loop
>>> dbms_output.put_line(varray_name(i));
>>> end loop;
>>> end;
>>> /
>> You are on the right path. Exactly what confuses you? All you need at
>> this point is another loop to scan thru the days, inserting each pair
>> (month,date). I'll refrain from further hints until your next post. So
>> try the next step and see what you get. Come back if you need more
>> help, or if you solve it. (It is nice when the discuaaion loop can be
>> closed.)
>> Ed
> Ed,
> I can get the loop to isert the months into the table using the following
> code.
> FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
> INSERT INTO yeardates
> (year_month)
> VALUES(varray_name(i));
> I can also get the loop to insert the date using a similiar loop
> FOR j IN 1..31 LOOP
> INSERT INTO yeardates
> (year_day)
> VALUES(varray_date(j));
> My problem is that I can't figure out how to get my output to display the
> (month day) format and even more confusing is that I can't figure out
> how to have January display 31 dates while having February displays only
> 28 and so on.
> I need to make a loop for each month that will display that month along
> with the days of that month.
> Can you assist me with that.
> This is the code I have so far.
set serveroutput on size 1000000
CREATE TABLE yeardates (year_month varchar2(20) ,year_day integer);
Type name_varray is varray(12) of varchar2(20);
varray_name name_varray :=
Type date_varray is varray(31) of integer;
varray_date date_varray :=
v_counter BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
varray_name(1) := 'January'; varray_name(2) := 'February'; varray_name(3) := 'March'; varray_name(4) := 'April'; varray_name(5) := 'May'; varray_name(6) := 'June'; varray_name(7) := 'July'; varray_name(8) := 'August'; varray_name(9) := 'September'; varray_name(10) := 'October'; varray_name(11) := 'November'; varray_name(12) := 'December'; dbms_output.put_line( 'YEAR_MONTH' || ' ' ||'YEAY_DAY'); FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP INSERT INTO yeardates (year_month) VALUES(varray_name(i)); FOR j IN 1..31 LOOP INSERT INTO yeardates (year_day) VALUES(varray_date(j)); dbms_output.put_line( varray_name(i) || ' ' ||varray_date(j));v_counter := v_counter + 1;
dbms_output.put_line('Total number of ' || v_counter ||' records were
Received on Thu Sep 07 2006 - 18:38:34 CDT
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