> Hi. Thanks for replying.
> The file is not owned by oracle. It is owned by root, and when I login
> as oracle I cannot cat the file. However, I can access it from a
> procedure. The oracle user must be able to read the file (which he
> can't at the OS level) for UTL_FILE to be able to access it. This
> however is not happening.
> Any ideas?
> DA Morgan wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>Using oracle on AIX 5.3. I have user oracle and group oinstall
>>>and recommended in installation. I have a directory oracle/oinstall
>>>(owner/group) with r-xr-x-- permissions and in there a I have a file
>>>owned by root/system with rw-r-----, so root has rw and group (system)
>>>has r only. When I login as user oracle and cat this file I am not able
>>>to read it, which is correct since oracle is not owner and not in the
>>>However when I create a directory in oracle
>>>create or replace directory MY_DIR as '/pathtodir';
>>>grant write on MY_DIR to user;
>>>grant read on MY_DIR to user;
>>>I am able to read this file through a procedure.
>>>Aren't all the file accessed by oracle user and there all permissions
>>>provided at the OS level should be respected? Is it possible to even
>>>override these (through the grant).
>>You've provided no reason to believe that a directory created under
>>the oracle directory should have privileges other than owned by oracle.
>>So why would you suspect something different?
>>Daniel A. Morgan
>>(replace x with u to respond)
Please do not top post.
Start SQL*Plus after confirming what you wrote. Then do the following:
SQL> host
$ cd /pathtodir
$ ls -larn
$ cd ..
$ ls -larn
$ ps -ef | grep smon
$ exit
Post the two listings
Post who owns the smon processes
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
Received on Tue Nov 29 2005 - 10:34:18 CST