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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: swap/memory ratio
Papa Piquillo wrote:
> I am trying to estimate the amount of swap/memory i have to use in my
> hp-ux box running several oracle instances.
> I think that this issue is very related to the number of concurrent
> users and the activity of them in the database.
> Having in count the size of the sga's and the value of the
> pga_agregate_target i can estimate how much virtual memory i am going
> to need.
> If virtual memory = ram + swap --> which is lowest amount of ram i have
> to use in a way that paging doesn't afect the performance.
I think your question is impossible to answer based on what you've written.
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-- Daniel A. Morgan (replace x with u to respond)Received on Thu Nov 24 2005 - 11:08:40 CST