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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: InStr and Length Problem, ora-01460
I believe since you are looking to see if the table column value is in
a passed in string variable that exceeds 4k. Therefore you will need
to read the table value into a plsql variable and then perform the
test. An alternative that I have not tried but should work would be to
convert the passed in 6k pl/sql varchar2 variable into a CLOB since
instr should recognize the CLOB datatype on version 9.2.
Since you do not show the procedure parameter list I will just remind you that by default pl/sql procedures do not pass result sets so if you want to pass by more than one set of data items you will need either a cursor variable or to write the procedure as a pipelined function.
HTH -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Tue Nov 15 2005 - 10:00:33 CST