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Re: How to get output text immediately

From: Maxim Demenko <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 19:19:33 +0100
Message-ID: <4378d57c$0$21943$>

Mark C. Stock schrieb:

> "Michel Cadot" <micadot{at}altern{dot}org> wrote in message 
> news:4378bf23$0$2108$

>>"Mark C. Stock" <mcstockX_at_Xenquery .com> a écrit dans le message de news:
>>| "Robert Wehofer" <> wrote in message
>>| news:c282b$43785048$d4badae4$
>>| > Hello there!
>>| >
>>| > If I call DBMS_OUT.PUT_LINE before a long process (loop), the text is
>>| > shown
>>| > after the process. Is it possible to get the text on screen
>>| > before the process is starting? I need some kind of flush function.
>>| >
>>| > Regards,
>>| > Robert
>>| >
>>| >
>>| not possible with DBMS_OUTPUT, since it buffers output which is
>>| in the current session by the calling program (i'll assume SQL*Plus, you
>>| not specify) after the calling prorgam regains controls and can issue
>>| DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE calls (which SQL*Plus and other programs do
>>| automatically)
>>| to monitor status of a process while it is running, including debug
>>| messages, the messages have to be made available to another session, via
>>| such mechanisms as:
>>| -- writes to a table (with an autonomous transaction)
>>| -- writes to a file (with the UTL_FILE package)
>>| -- writes to a database pipe (with the DBMS_PIPE package)
>>| -- writes to a queue (with the DBMS_AQ package)
>>| ++ mcs
>>You can also use dbms_application_info.set_client_info and query
>>Michel Cadot
> which is very helpful for monitoring current status (but not too helpful or 
> logging message)
> also useful for monitoring some long-running operations: V$SESSION_LONGOPS 

It depends , how you are logging. And it depends, how OUTPUT is defined. The most straight forward way to get your message to see immediately ( for example - you have a script running in the sqlplus and output is your console, maybe redirected to file ) - simply select your message from dual.

SELECT 'The long running process begins...' FROM DUAL; BEGIN
   --long running process
END; But it is rather unusual and seldom method with some disadvantages, in most cases the Michel's suggestion will work much better.

Best regards

Maxim Received on Mon Nov 14 2005 - 12:19:33 CST

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