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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Re: Connectivity help
On first glance, it looks like you might be confusing processes ...
The approach I generally use for configuration is:
A Listener [generally] only listens for Oracle requests on one machine. It can, however, listen on behalf of any number of database instances on that machine.
When a request comes in, it looks up whether it can respond for that service - either in the listener.ora or in the in-memory copy of the listener.ora which may be modified because of self-registering database instances.
You apparently have a listener and a listener2 on each database server. That doen't make sense. You probably only want one, and only one, listener for each server machine.
My listener.ora ON EACH SERVER would probably be like
listener =
(description =
(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = server? = 1521))
sid_list_listener =
(sid_list =
(sid_desc =
(global_dbname = ora?) (oracle_home = c:\oracle\ora92) (sid_name = ora?)
replacing ? with 1,2, or 3 depending on the server 'number'. You could actually use the same sid_name on all three servers, but that might confuse you.
2) For each client, configure the tnsnames.ora
Frequent point of confusion - a database instance runs in 2 modes ... as a server, and as a client in a DBLink & replication config. Also, the database server comes with software such as tnsping, sqlplus, etc tha is client software. Therefore, the tnsnames.ora must be configured as if it was a simple client.
My tnsnames.ora ON EACH SERVER would be like
ora1 =
(description =
(address_list =
(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521)))
(connect_data = (service_name = ora1))
ora2 =
(description =
(address_list =
(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521)))
(connect_data = (service_name = ora2))
ora3 =
(description =
(address_list =
(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521)))
(connect_data = (service_name = ora3))
-- Hans Forbrich Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting mailto: *** Top posting relies guarantees I won't respond. ***Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 16:52:11 CST
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