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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> SQL statement is to large, and creates a error
My error is this..
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01003: no statement parsed
I beleive this error is happening because my SQL statment is to large, for the ref cursor to open. Here is the procedure..
PROCEDURE showcat(in_arrayprojectid in
in_taxID in number, out_error_code out number, out_error_message out varchar2, out_ret_val out Jiffy_Cursor_Def_API.ref_cur_typ)IS
IDs := in_arrayprojectid(1);
If in_arrayprojectid.count > 1 Then
FOR i in 2..in_arrayprojectid.Count LOOP IDs := IDs || ', ' || in_arrayprojectid(i); END LOOP;
vgbl_sql := ' SELECT count(taxonomy.taxid), taxonomy.taxid, name '||
' FROM taxonomy, tax_projects '||
' WHERE tax_projects.taxid = taxonomy.taxid '||
' AND projectid in ('|| IDs ||') ' ||
' AND taxonomy.taxid in '||
' (SELECT taxid FROM taxonomy '||
' CONNECT by PRIOR taxid = parentid '||
' START with taxid = '|| in_taxID ||' ) ' ||
' GROUP by taxonomy.taxid, name ';
OPEN out_ret_val FOR vgbl_sql;
out_error_code := 0; out_error_message := SQLERRM;
out_error_code := SQLCODE; out_error_message := '[' || CONST_PACKAGENAME || '.showcat] ' || SQLERRM; ROLLBACK;
END showcat;
The SQL statement that is being executed should look like this..
SELECT count(taxonomy.taxid), taxonomy.taxid, name
FROM taxonomy, tax_projects |
WHERE tax_projects.taxid = taxonomy.taxid
AND projectid in ('1, 2, 3, 4, .... N')
AND taxonomy.taxid in
(SELECT taxid FROM taxonomy
CONNECT by PRIOR taxid = parentid
START with taxid = 176
GROUP by taxonomy.taxid, name;
NOTE: There is about 1884 values within the IN () function. AND..
IDs VARCHAR2(32000);
vgbl_sql VARCHAR2(32000);
Any help/ideas will do.
Thanks Inadvance
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 10:42:43 CST