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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.misc -> Help with junk characters
I run 9i on unix aix with NLS_LANG AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1. I
generated data for use with SQL Loader from access database using oracle
workbench migration. The .dat files looks good on windows but when I
transfer them to unix host using ftp there are junk characters. This happens
only with files generated by migration tool so there's no problem with ftp
tool (I tried with 2 different ones). I can transfer normally any other file
created using any other editor on windows containing special characters. It
shows well using cat, in vi editor or when I insert data into tables. This
is not the case of files generated during migration. I cannot figure out
what's the problem with these files once transferred. The only difference I
noticed is eof eor tags and whole data as single line.
Received on Tue Nov 01 2005 - 01:41:32 CST